Thursday, March 6, 2008

Peace Sells... But Who's Buying?

Believe it or not, I actually did a lip-sync (remember those) in Middle School to a Megadeth song of the same name as the above title. It meant little to me then(1980s), but it makes a lot more sense to me today then yesteryear(s). Today while driving to work, a red, old,beat-up looking eco-car was trying to pass me on the left. Looking over from my comfy SUV I noticed the male driver looked disheveled and appeared to be suffering from an extreme case of "Angst" and "Ennui". On his dashboard was a beat up old hackey sack, some change and other gunk. As the car struggled to pass me with it's rusty undercarriage and pint size wheels, I slowed down and let him pass. I find myself doing this more often than not, as for some reason, be it ESP, or simply conditioning, I asked myself "Yup, I wonder what stupid bumper stickers this guy has?" Sure as the driven rain, on the right side was a "Bush's last day" bumper sticker showing the Jan 2009 date, and on the left side was one that had a picture of President Bush that read "America's number one terrorist."
Now, normally this wouldn't bother me as I am used to it, but for some reason I got angry. Then I remembered: an hour earlier I had been watching the news where there was a report about a bomb going off outside a recruiting station in downtown Manhattan. It later turns out the bicycle "bomber" allegedly sent some anti-war letters to congress in protest of the war in Iraq. So let me get this straight, in an effort to create "peace" some yahoos decide to bomb a recruiting station? I mean give me a friggin' break here.
So this brings me back to the bumper sticker guy. I have no problem with somebody expressing themselves, but when an American slaps on a bumper sticker saying that President Bush is the number one terrorist, it makes me mad. Not because he is making fun of Bush, but because it is a slap in the face to all the men and women, especially military men and women, who are overseas busting their ass getting shot at and dying in order to secure two countries we were asked and paid for to go save 17 and 19 years ago, respectively. The former being the same country whose leader, uncle Saddam, kept us there by constantly bullshitting and bribing the United Nations (not to mention the fact they were constantly firing at our aircraft) and the latter country, Afghanistan, whose ass we saved from the Soviets. These efforts are what that bumper sticker is speaking to; essentially that anybody fighting these current wars are carrying out terrorist acts. Am I going overboard here? No, I am not. The War on Terror (WOT) or whatever one wants to call it, has by no means run like clockwork, but these are important, nay, very important times, and the WOT is far greater than President Bush alone. From spouses who are separated from their loved one to those who lost loved ones, Americans are out there sacrificing and frankly, the general population couldn't give two shits about it.
To the bums who tried to blow up a recruitment station, like-minded individuals and yes, even bumper sticker boy, truthfully I don't respect your opinion and to quote a good Marine who appeared in one of my videos I posted below, "You suck."