Sunday, June 22, 2008

Soviet Infiltration of the Anti-War Movement

The following is an excellent link about Soviet infiltration of the anti-war movement during the Vietnam War. This was carried out through secret funding of mainly unwitting members of various anti-war movements. There were copyright restrictions on copying any part of the article, which is unfortunate because there are great excerpts from John Kerry's book, The New Soldier.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Defaced Idaho Stop Signs With Anti-War Message for Sale

This may not have anything to do with Russian propaganda per se, but it is definitely indicative of the anti-war message writ large. I live in the DC area and saw this same thing written on a stop sign. Hell, in my hometown we still have a stop sign that reads "STOP hammer time" and has been there for at least a decade. I saw another one here that had a red sticker with white lettering, which read: "(STOP) driving SUV's". Now, this chicanery is hardly a serious offense, legally, but in many ways I find it offensive nonetheless. The SUV thing is another issue entirely (if they really wanted to cut down on emissions then they should protest private jets and airplanes in general). The "Stop War" thing is, admittedly clever, but a moot point. What these protesters (most likely spoiled college kids) don't realise is that in many cases the only way to stop war is with war. Anti-war sentiments from one country play right into the hands of the adversary, especially the extreme Salafist jihad adversary we face now. Of all the anti-war war rallies I begrudgingly attended, never did I see anything protesting Saddam Hussein (well except for Iraqi national counter-protesters numbering about 50 who were summarily razzed by the peaceniks), nor Usama Bin Ladin, nor al-Qaeda. I mean seriously, these people just can't be taken at face value, it's not an anti-war statement it's an anti-America statement. If they really wanted to stop war they would call on all sides to cut the shit, but they don't, they just blame the USA and Israel, which of course is a familiar fad. What really irks me about damaging a stop sign however, is that these people are not only destroying state property but making money off of it. Any pea brain that would spend 80 dollars on a stop sign that he/she could make for 25 bucks needs their head examined. Now, in all fairness if the sign said "STOP anti-war whiners", well...

Friday , June 13, 2008

IDAHO FALLS, Idaho — A war protest in which 179 stop signs were defaced by stenciling the word "war" in white letters under the "stop" has morphed into an exercise in free market capitalism.
A judge ordered that at least some of the defaced stop signs belonged to the people who vandalized them once they paid restitution. Those signs are now being sold — briskly and at a profit — for $80 apiece.
It has also encouraged others in the region noted for its conservative voting record to come forward with their own misgivings about the war in Iraq.
"I really am shocked almost weekly by hearing people tell me, 'Thank you,"' 19-year-old Alexander Piet told the Post Register. "It's really refreshing."
He said he will autograph some of the signs he's sold when he returns to this eastern Idaho city from classes at the University of Washington.
Piet and 20-year-old Craig Bakker vandalized the signs last year, and earlier this year pleaded guilty to misdemeanor vandalism in 7th District Court. Authorities say three juveniles also took part in the vandalism, but their identities and the resolution of their cases, and whether they received any of the signs, has not been made public.
Piet and Bakker were each ordered to pay restitution for 20 signs at $60.86 per sign, adding up to $1,217.20. Both also were ordered to pay a $500 fine, plus $72.50 in court costs.
Piet has paid his restitution and received his 20 signs, and has sold 14 so far for $80 apiece. At that price, if he sells the remaining six, he would recoup $1,600 in all.
The restitution, fine and court costs add up to $1,789.70. But the $80 could be less than the market will bear.
One of the signs sold for $300 and another for $275 after the Bonneville County Democrats bought them from Piet and then auctioned them off at the annual Truman Banquet fundraiser May 3.
One was bought by Dan Henry, a member of the Snake River Freedom Coalition that formed after the signs were defaced to encourage less destructive forms of protest.
Henry is also head of the local chapter of Drinking Liberally, a national group that describes itself as "an informal, inclusive progressive social group." He said the sign he purchased will be displayed on the group's float during this year's Fourth of July parade in Idaho Falls.
Thomas Hally, an Idaho Falls City Council member, disagreed with the judge's decision to allow the vandals to own the signs.
"The war is a volatile issue," he said. "But no one has the right to destroy public or private property to express an opinion, and I don't think one should profit from that."

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Active Measure: JFK Assassination Conspiracy

This has long been a favorite among conspiracy theorists. I relied heavily on Mitrokhin's book (see previous post) to sum up the basics.
JFK's assassin, as we are well aware, was Lee Harvey Oswald. What many people do not know or have forgotten was that Oswald defected to the USSR in 1959 over "disgust" with the American system and admiration for the Soviet system. After subsequently annoying the Russians, he returned to Texas in 1962 with a Russian wife in tow. Various accounts claim that Oswald was unstable and a nuisance. But the fact that he had indeed previously defected proved to be an embarrassment to the Soviets; an embarrassment that they wanted to go away.
After the Warren Commission concluded that Oswald had indeed acted alone and was not part of some Soviet conspiracy per se, the KGB sponsored the services of Carl Aldo Marzani, an American citizen, yet Italian born Communist codenamed NORD through his book publishing company Liberty Book Club (affiliated with book selling network Prometheus Book Club), codenamed SEVER, with a $15,000 grant to publish pro Soviet materials.
Upon this, Joachim Jösten (Joesten), a German author, later published a book called Oswald: Assassin or Fall Guy? Joesten supported Moscow's assertion that the blame be place upon a group of racist right-wingers, most notable among them was "oil magnate" H.L. Hunt. Joesten's quotation inducing story basically asserted that the "right-wingers" were wary of Kennedy's wish to squelch the "military-industrial complex", thus starting the basis for a theme that would reoccur for the next 30 years: Oswald had ties to the FBI and CIA and was killed by the US Government to prevent him from talking.
Around this time, the Warren Commission's findings were drowning out Joesten's assertions. In rebuttal,  the KGB identified and financially supported New York lawyer Mark Lane as the most able conspiracy theorist to propagate said theme.

Mark Lane is well known as a person with close ties to Democratic Party
circles in the US. He hold liberal views on a number of current American
political problems and has undertaken to conduct his own private
investigation of the circumstances surrounding the murder of J.F. Kennedy.
(Mitrokhin Archive vol. 6 ch. 14, part 3.)

After the Watergate scandal, a new life was given to the CIA involved conspiracy theory where Service A was responsible for an active measure against E. Howard Hunt (not to be confused with H.L. Hunt, despite the fact the press did just that) a former CIA officer involved with the Watergate scandal. Thus, a letter, codenamed ARLINGTON, was forged to a Mr. Hunt "signed" by Oswald. This was actually fabricated by the Soviets based on phrases and expressions Oswald had used in the USSR. The forged letter is as follows:
Dear Mr. Hunt,
I would like information concerning my
position. I am only
asking for information. I am suggesting that we discuss
the matter fully before
any steps are taken by me or anybody else.
Lee Harvey Oswald
There was much confusion and speculation as to who Mr. Hunt was. The KGB wanted to spin the story into a yarn of CIA involvement, hence focusing on E. Howard Hunt vice H.L. Hunt, the Texas oil man. It is unclear whether the KGB itself had confused the two names, but one thing is clear: the USSR's conspiracy theory, made possible through KGB active measures and the US government's own inadvertent confusion, could rightfully claim that even in the late 1970s more Americans believed the KGB orchestrated conspiracy theory than did believe the official findings of the Warren Commission. Now if somebody could just tell that to Oliver Stone.