Thursday, October 8, 2009

Active Measures: The KGB Targets Dr. Martin Luther King

Would you believe that the soviets wanted to create turmoil in the USA so badly that they resorted to race baiting? Well, believe it. During the mid-1960s, the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) failed yet again. The KGB's service A had come to realize the CPUSA could not direct King's policies as it had promised. Much to their chagrin, King, being the great American that he was, did not rail against America's alleged worldwide imperialism as they had hoped, instead he concentrated on encouraging African-Americans to fulfill their dreams. According to Mitrokhin, the KGB sought to discredit MLK so that he may be replaced with a more radical figure. Service A's Yuri Modin, who was the case manager for the Magnificent Five had approval to place articles in the African press saying that King was in fact merely an Uncle Tom, who was receiving funds from the Johnson administration to dilute the Civil Rights Movement. Furthermore, Modin was authorized to:

1. Distribute pamphlets and the like stating that the Johnson administration was using terrorist methods to suppress the Civil rights Movement.

2. Encourage leading figures in the world of law to discredit Johnson's administration in regards to their handling of the Civil Rights Movement.

3. Forge a document claiming that the John Birch Society and the Minutemen organizations were planning for the "physical elimination" of African-American civil rights leaders.

Service A soon began amplifying the violent images of the Watts race riots. The Center was hoping that such imagery of violence would encourage African-American radicals to replace King with Stokeley Carmichael, a self-proclaimed revolutionary who sought to change the American system through guerrilla warfare on American streets.

On April 4th, 1968 Dr. King was assassinated. Now, instead of brushing off King as a mere Uncle Tom, their course of action led them to depict King as a martyr of the African-American liberation movement. What did they resort to? Once again, conspiracy theories. One of which was to claim that King was murdered by white racists under the tutelage of American authorities.

Why? One might ask. Again, anything that tore at the fabric of American Society was good for the Soviet Union.

Ever notice how there seems to be friction between certain groups of African Americans and Jewish people, to this day?

Ponder this: In 1971, Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov, chairman of the KGB, approved the dissemination of fabricated pamphlets, which were full of racial insults toward blacks. It was purported that the pamphlets came from Meir Kahane's Jewish Defense League as a call to arms against the "black mongrels". Further forged media was sent to some 60 other black groups offering up fabricated details of "atrocities" committed by the Jewish Defense League. The problem being of course that none of it was true.

Furthermore, remember the story of Pandora's box? Enter (stage left) operation PANDORA. On July 25, 1971, Anatoli Tikhonovich Kireyev told the New York residency members to set up a delayed explosive device at one of the "Negro colleges", after which, members were admonished to clandestinely inform various black groups that the Jewish Defense League was responsible. Can you imagine going to such lengths to foment disorder?

Racial tensions and the fabricating thereof remained one of Service A's oft used themes. Right before the beginning of the LA Olympics in 1984, KGB officers sent fabricated letters to the African and Asian Olympic committees claiming to be from the KKK. Here is an example:

African monkeys!
A grand reception awaits you in Los Angeles!
We are preparing for the Olympic Games by shooting at black moving targets.
In Los Angeles our own Olympic flames are ready to incinerate you. The highest award for a true American patriot would be the lynching of an African monkey.
Blacks, welcome to the Olympic Games in Los Angeles!
We'll give you a reception you'll never forget!"

Incredibly, this and other like propaganda made it into print media around the world. When accused of perpetrating such active measures, the Soviets would feign indignation at the America's anti-Soviet stance.

This is a key tactic in propaganda: produce something so outrageous that mere notion of casting blame on somebody other than the perceived author would in turn cast dispersions upon the claimant. Perhaps McCarthy was not so crazy after all.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Communist Funded Anti-War Rally

Let's face it, anti-war or so-called peace protests are nothing but a ruse; they are more often than not funded by opposition groups not "grass roots" efforts as they'd like you to believe. The Soviets, through active measures, spent more money funding anti-war rallies during Vietnam than they did on direct support to their proxies there i.e. weaponized peace. It's funny when you think about it. There are still ongoing wars, yet there don't seem to be any protests now that George W. Bush left office. This video was shot a few years ago in Washington, D.C. Most of the people were not from D.C., they were in fact bussed down by A.N.S.W.E.R. and other Marxist groups. It's pure propaganda and people who say otherwise are being intellectually dishonest.
P.S. This video is a re-edit to improve video quality.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Politics of Peace: What's Behind the Anti-War Movement

I am not sure why this book is not more popular. Then again, I highly doubt it would be required reading at today's universities. For the benefit of full disclosure I have not read the whole book yet, but will post some of the more juicy stuff when I get a chance. In the meantime, here is a great overview of the book:

Sunday, February 22, 2009

So, Did the GRU and KGB Fund Anti-War Movements During the Vietnam War? Da!!

On page 78 of Stanislav Lunev's and Ira Winkler's book titled "Through the Eyes of the Enemy", is one of the most revealing bits of information concerning the duping of American peace activists. Should note that Stanislav Lunev was Russia's highest ranking Soviet Military defector. Since this book is rarely found in brick and mortar bookstores, and as far as I can see, its passages are nowhere on the Internet, I present page 78 in hopes it will reach a new, fresh set of eyes:

"Only in our second year did we learn about our operational target's military. In my case, it was the Chinese People's Liberation Army and Special Services. This was while the United States was pulling out of Vietnam. We spent a great deal of time studying the Vietnam War, which was considered a Vietnamese victory over American imperialism. While the GRU instructors would not state it directly, they strongly implied that the GRU was responsible for the Vietnamese success. The GRU had a massive presence in both North and South Vietnam; their operatives worked under cover of the North Vietnamese Special Services.
Our instructors also told us about how the GRU influenced the American public. The GRU and the KGB helped to fund just about every antiwar movement and organization in America and abroad. Funding was provided via undercover operatives or front organizations. These would fund another group that in turn would fund student organizations. The GRU also helped Vietnam fund its propaganda campaign as a whole.
What will be a great surprise to the American people is that the GRU and KGB had a larger budget for antiwar propaganda in the United States that it did for economic and military support of the Vietnamese. The antiwar propaganda cost the GRU more than $1 billion, but as history shows, it was a hugely successful campaign and well worth the cost. The antiwar sentiment created an incredible momentum that greatly weakened the U.S. military."

Now, call me crazy but in essence, the peace movement was in large part nothing but a ruse and indeed sounds conspiratorial. Be that as it may, this reminds me a great axiomatic statement: the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist. There is no doubt in my mind that new anti-war sentiments were in part funded by those, who do not have America's interests at heart. World Worker's Party, A.N.S.W.E.R, Scott Ritter? Sound familiar guys?

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Active Measures and Ideological Subversion: In the Words of Yuri Bezmenov

Condensed Interview:

Transcript Highlights:

ED GRIFFIN: Well, you spoke before about "ideological subversion" and that's a phrase that I'm afraid some Americans don't understand. When the Soviets use the phrase "ideological subversion" what do they mean by it?

1. YURI BEZMENOV: Ideological subversion is the process which is legitimate and open. You can see it with your own eyes.... It has nothing to do with espionage.

I know that intelligence gathering looks more romantic.... That's probably why your Hollywood producers are so crazy about James Bond types of films. But in reality the main emphasis of the KGB is NOT in the area of intelligence at all. According to my opinion, and the opinions of many defectors of my caliber, only about 15% of time, money, and manpower is spent on espionage as such. The other 85% is a slow process which we call either ideological subversion, active measures, or psychological warfare. What it basically means is: to change the perception of reality of every American that despite of the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their families, their community, and their country.

It's a great brainwashing process which goes very slow and is divided into four basic stages. The first one being "demoralization". It takes from 15 to 20 years to demoralize a nation. Why that many years? Because this is the minimum number of years required to educate one generation of students in the country of your enemy exposed to the ideology of [their] enemy. In other words, Marxism-Leninism ideology is being pumped into the soft heads of at least three generation of American students without being challenged or counterbalanced by the basic values of Americanism; American patriotism....

The result? The result you can see ... the people who graduated in the 60's, dropouts or half-baked intellectuals, are now occupying the positions of power in the government, civil service, business, mass media, and educational systems. You are stuck with them. You can't get through to them. They are contaminated. They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern [alluding to Pavlov]. You cannot change their mind even if you expose them to authentic information. Even if you prove that white is white and black is black, you still can not change the basic perception and the logic of behavior.

In other words [for] these people the process of demoralization is complete and irreversible. To rid society of these people you need another 15 or 20 years to educate a new generation of patriotically minded and common sense people who would be acting in favor and in the interests of United States society.

ED: And yet these people who have been programmed and as you say [are] in place and who are favorable to an opening with the Soviet concept - these are the very people who would be marked for extermination in this country?

YURI: Most of them, yes. Simply because the psychological shock when they will see in [the] future what the beautiful society of EQUALITY and social justice means in practice, obviously they will revolt. They will be very unhappy [and] frustrated people, and Marxist-Leninist regime does not tolerate these people. Obviously they will join the [ranks] of dissenters; dissidents. Unlike the present United States there will be no place for dissent in future Marxist-Leninist America. [Now] you can get popular like Daniel Elsburg and filthy rich like Jane Fonda for being a dissident [and] for criticizing your Pentagon. In [the] future these people will simply be [he makes a squishy noise] squashed like cockroaches for criticizing the government. Nobody is going to pay them nothing for their beautiful [and] noble ideas of EQUALITY. This they don't understand and it will be the greatest shock for them, of course.

The demoralization process in the United States is basically completed already for the last 25 years. Actually, it's over fulfilled because demoralization now reaches such areas where not even Comrade Andropov and all his experts would even dream of such tremendous success. Most of it is done by Americans to Americans thanks to lack of moral standards. As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him, even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents and pictures. ...he will refuse to believe it.... That's the tragedy of the situation of demoralization.

The next stage is destabilization.... It only takes 2 to 5 years to destabilize a nation. This time what matters is essentials; economy, foreign relations, [and] defense systems. And you can see it quite clearly that in some... sensitive areas such as defense and [the] economy, the influence of Marxist-Leninist ideas in the United States is absolutely fantastic. I could never believe it 14 years ago when I landed in this part of the world that the process will go that fast.

Most of the American politicians, media, and educational system train another generation of people who think they are living at the peacetime. False. United States is in a state of war; undeclared, total war against the basic principles and foundations of this system. And the initiator of this war is not Comrade Andropov of course - it's the system. However, ridiculous it may sound, [it is] the world Communist system, or the world Communist conspiracy. Whether I scare some people or not, I don't give a hoot. If you're not scared by now, nothing can scare you.

ED: Okay, so what do we do? What is your recommendation to the American people?

YURI: Well, the immediate thing that comes to mind is, of course, there must be a very strong national effort to educate people in the spirit of REAL patriotism, number one. Number two, to explain [to] them the real danger of socialist, communist, welfare state, Big Brother government.... The moment at least part of [the] United States population is convinced that the danger is real, they have to FORCE their government... to stop aiding Communism.

Monday, January 5, 2009

The Peace Symbol

I bet you didn't know that the Peace symbol wasn't some ancient symbol used to foment peace among warring tribes and Victorian armies. Nope. It came about during the 1960's anti-war movement, and was used basically to say: UK and USA, you can't have nuclear weapons, but the Soviets can, afterall it's just for energy purposes. Sound familiar Iran?

Check out the following from Wiki:

"This symbol (☮) was originally used for the Direct Action Committee Against Nuclear War (DAC) and was adopted as its badge by the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) in Britain, and originally was used by the British nuclear disarmament movement. It was subsequently adopted as an international emblem for the 1960s anti-war movement, and was also adopted by the counterculture of the time. It was designed and completed February 21, 1958 by Gerald Holtom, a professional designer and artist in Britain for the April 4 march planned by DAC from Trafalgar Square, London to the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment at Aldermaston in England[1]. The symbol itself is a combination of the semaphoric signals for the letters "N" and "D," standing for Nuclear Disarmament. In semaphore the letter "N" is formed by a person holding two flags in an upside-down "V," and the letter "D" is formed by holding one flag pointed straight up and the other pointed straight down. These two signals imposed over each other form the shape of the peace symbol. In the first official CND version (preceded by a ceramic pin version that had straight lines, but was short lived) the spokes curved out to be wider at the edge of the circle which was white on black[2,3]."

1. "A Piece of Our Time". Time Magazine. Retrieved on 2008-04-02.
2. The CND symbol. Hugh Brock Papers.
3. "The CND logo". Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. Retrieved on 2008-04-03.