Saturday, February 2, 2008

Racism and Misogynism From the Left?

To be honest, I think most people should just loosen up and stop playing gotcha politics. I very recently was reading a blog that insinuated Conservatives were fascists and that if they didn't want to be deemed as such then they shouldn't make fascist comments. In that vein,"Fascism" gets thrown around a lot these days, without anybody really knowing the true meaning of the word. Fascism is often considered the antithesis of Communism. This however is not really the case; they are both totalitarian, consisting of a one party system, whose goal is to make everybody fall under nationalistic lockstep and collectivism, whether they want it or not. The Nazis were a socialist system of government; their name comes from Nationalsozialisten (Nation Socialists). Communism differs slightly in that it claims to support the common worker, albeit exploitative, over the State. Left leaning groups today illogically denounce conservative opponents as fascists when in reality fascism and communism are cut from the same cloth. One of the most commonly used tactics is to characterize the other side as being racist, whereas in the past it was more common to deem the "Main Adversary" as imperialists.


Fascism is typified by totalitarian attempts to impose state control over all aspects of life: political, social, cultural, and economic, by way of a strong, single-party government for enacting laws and a strong, sometimes brutal militia or police force for enforcing them. Fascism exalts the nation, state, or group of people as superior to the individuals composing it. Fascism uses explicit populist rhetoric; calls for a heroic mass effort to restore past greatness; and demands loyalty to a single leader, leading to a cult of personality and unquestioned obedience to orders (Führerprinzip). Fascism is also considered to be a form of collectivism.

Conservatism in the United States comprises a constellation of political ideologies including fiscal conservatism, free market or economic liberalism, social conservatism, libertarianism, bioconservatism and religious conservatism,[2]
as well as support for a strong military, small government, and states' rights.

As we can see from the above. Conservatism and its roots in limited government and unabashed support for individual freedom, through its strong libertarian base, is hardly in line with fascism. The following are some quotes or musings by liberals that could be construed as racist or misogynist. Personally, I don't believe the people writing them are any more so than conservatives who bash Hillary Clinton, Jesse Jackson or whomever else for that matter. The difference is, conservatives would NEVER get a way with it, and it's racial undertones. I find this strange considering that the GOP was the Northern, pro-business, anti-slavery party, where the Democrats were, at the time mind you, the pro slavery party.

From Opinion's Journal about cartoon appearing in New York Times:
"One of Mr. Danziger's recent illustrations features National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice as a semi-literate mammy. Ms. Rice--a Russia scholar, former provost of Stanford University and concert pianist--is drawn barefoot and wearing a housedress. Mr. Danziger forgot to put a handkerchief on her head, but the size of her lips has been exaggerated sufficiently to make up for that oversight. She's sitting in a rocking chair and nursing an aluminum tube as though it were an infant. The caption reads: 'I KNOWS ALL ABOUT ALUMINUM TUBES! (Correction) I DON'T KNOW NUTHIN' ABOUT ALUMINUM TUBES . . .'

Comment by Andrew M. Alexander:
- But Rall saved his vilest slurs for National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice. In a panel titled, "Sent to inner-city racial re-education camp," Rall depicts Condoleezza Rice confronting a black man wearing a t-shirt that reads, "You're not white, stupid." The man says, "Now hand over your hair straightener." Ms. Rice protests, "I was Bush's beard! His house nigga!"

From the Independent Woman's Forum:
-Consider America's greatest political cartoonists. Hands down, my favorite is Aaron McGruder and the cutting political satire reflected in his cartoon strip, The Boondocks. That being said, I must admit that I do enjoy the barbed satire of Garry Trudeau's Doonesbury. Recently, Trudeau's political observations ran a red light in referring to the nation's National Security Advisor, Dr. Condoleezza Rice, a black woman, as "brown sugar." Frankly, the political satire in the April 7, 2004 Doonesbury escapes me and most women I know, black or white, liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican. It draws on centuries of deep-rooted, wicked and indefensible portrayals of black women. In doing so, it is decidedly unfunny. The only purpose served by this cartoon strip is that it proved one sad fact: despite the contentions of many, in 21st century America, race and gender still matter.

- “I hope his wife feeds him lots of eggs and butter and he dies early like many black men do, of heart disease.... He is an absolutely reprehensible person.” -- USA Today columnist and Pacifica Radio talk show host Julianne Malveaux on Justice Clarence Thomas, Nov. 4, 1994, on PBS’s “To the Contrary.”

From the Smoking Gun:
- OCTOBER 27--A Florida man has been charged with attempting to run over controversial Republican congresswoman Katherine Harris with his Cadillac. According to the below Sarasota Police Department report, Barry Seltzer, 46, told cops that he was simply exercising his "political expression" when he drove his car at Harris and several supporters, who were campaigning last night at a Sarasota intersection. Seltzer--pictured at right in a booking photo--allegedly drove up on a sidewalk and headed directly for Harris before swerving "at the last minute." Harris told officers that "she was afraid for her life and could not move as the vehicle approached her," according to the report. For his part, Seltzer--who's a registered Democrat--told cops, "I intimidated them with the car. They were standing in the street."

Comments made afterPhilip Edgar Smith and William Zachary Wolf threw pies at Anne Coulter:

"The skank can shift ass on a dime" Vanity Fair writer James Wolcott

"It would take a lot more than one cream pie to sweeten that sourpuss up! We hear she kills rats with her teeth and eats broken bottles for breakfast"

Here are some liberal cartoons in question:


Anonymous said...

Hey Navy!

Those 'liberals' (here: are so open-minded that they banned me for disagreeing with them and showing them they're wrong. I'm so proud.

Ah well, I've got more interesting things to do.


Here are the links they deleted:

USNAVYVET2002 said...

Hey man thanks!

i'll include these in that post about condi.

Sorry to hear they banned you, I am sure I am next. Those guys are a bunch of morons anyway.

Anonymous said...

As you say. I was about done with them anyway; it's not as if they were really willing to listen to me (or any opposing ideas), but I figured I would drop something in for someone not quite of their ilk.

It's interesting that anyone they disagree with is a 'troll', so they dehumanize them that way, but they claim that it's others who are full of hate, while they are the ones who are pure.

I may go in a side door to tell them what wonderful folk they are.


PS. A little more practice with the camera would help; you may not get everything, but some of that swinging about it a bit disorienting. Good work otherwise.