While not referred to as Active Measures, per se, this is what the proper term for it is. Other terms used could be Influence Operations, Covert Influence, even "election meddling." It should come as no surprise that this has been going on if you've read any of my earlier posts from OVER a decade ago. So, YES the Russians, again, are trying to muddy the waters here in the US. I am actually surprised this even came up to such an extent in this day and age. Historically the Democratic party has been the apologists for all things Russian. I don't want to delve into the current political divide too much here, as this blog deals mainly with the Soviet Union. I may write about it in the future. I can say this though with quite a bit of confidence: The Russians were NOT trying to get Trump elected. I believe they honestly thought Hillary Clinton would be elected and they wanted to make it hard for her; to sew discord. They've, unfortunately, done a terrific job of that.
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