Thursday, July 9, 2009

Communist Funded Anti-War Rally

Let's face it, anti-war or so-called peace protests are nothing but a ruse; they are more often than not funded by opposition groups not "grass roots" efforts as they'd like you to believe. The Soviets, through active measures, spent more money funding anti-war rallies during Vietnam than they did on direct support to their proxies there i.e. weaponized peace. It's funny when you think about it. There are still ongoing wars, yet there don't seem to be any protests now that George W. Bush left office. This video was shot a few years ago in Washington, D.C. Most of the people were not from D.C., they were in fact bussed down by A.N.S.W.E.R. and other Marxist groups. It's pure propaganda and people who say otherwise are being intellectually dishonest.
P.S. This video is a re-edit to improve video quality.

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